Don`t miss out on the best gay-friendly events in Malta. Here is a list for you to keep track of the best LGBT friendly events happening in the coming months:
JULY 2022
5 – 10 July 8.30PM: LIVE FIT-TEATRU: IL-POŻITTIVI – Dramm Komiku @ University of Malta – Valletta Campus – MALTESE LANGUAGE EVENT
IL-POŻITTIVI – fl-aħħar LIVE fit-teatru f’Lulju 2022!
Huwa possibbli li tibqa’ pożittiv jekk ir-riżultat joħroġlok pożittiv? Staqsi lil Susan ħa tgħidlek. Hija mara ta’ 60 sena li ilha tgħix bl-HIV għal dawn l-aħħar 28 sena. Ferriħija, dħulija, kuntenta u fuq kollox, pożittiva. Waqt żjara l-isptar tagħmel ħbieb ġodda u min qatt kellu jbassarha li se tidħol bejn il-basla u qoxritha? 6 karattri differenti minn xulxin iżda marbutin flimkien fi storja waħda minħabba din il-kundizzjoni li tgħaqqadhom. Is-sitwazzjonijiet li jsibu ruħhom fihom iwasslu għal emozzjonijiet b’saħħitthom li jvarjaw minn imħabba għal stmerrija profonda. Id-daħq ma jonqosx f’ħajjithom imma l-biki wkoll. Bejn il-chemsex party fejn jibda dan id-dramm komiku u l-birthday party fejn jispiċċa, naraw relazzjonijiet, imħabba, ħbiberija, rabja, ferħ, tradiment, u fuq kollox, tama.
Eta: 15+
Dati: 5-10 ta’Lulju 2022
Lingwa: Malti
Prezz: €20.00
Kast: Ray Calleja, Stephen Mintoff, Josette Ciappara, Benjamin Abela, Chris Vincent and Clare Agius.
Il-Pożittivi hija produzzjoni ta’ Udjenza, bis-sapport tal- Kunsill Malti għall-Arti, MGRM, Brown’s, PleasureMalta u Sex Clinic Malta by Willigness.
Eta: 15+
Dati: 5-10 ta’Lulju 2022
Lingwa: Malti
Prezz: €20.00
Kast: Ray Calleja, Stephen Mintoff, Josette Ciappara, Benjamin Abela, Chris Vincent and Clare Agius.
Il-Pożittivi hija produzzjoni ta’ Udjenza, bis-sapport tal- Kunsill Malti għall-Arti, MGRM, Brown’s, PleasureMalta u Sex Clinic Malta by Willigness.
Direzzjoni: Toni Attard
Kitba: Simon Bartolo
Disinn tas-Set: Romualdo Moretti
Kostruzzjoni tas-Set: Claudio Apap
Disinn tad-Dwal: Chris Gatt
Kitba: Simon Bartolo
Disinn tas-Set: Romualdo Moretti
Kostruzzjoni tas-Set: Claudio Apap
Disinn tad-Dwal: Chris Gatt
8th July 9PM: Drinks Night Out | LGBTI+ Gozo @ Bridge Bar Valletta
Yet another Drinks Night out!
Summer drinks at Bridge Bar, were we can all meet, drink and enjoy the summer breeze.
21:00 | 08.07.22
Event is 17+
Don’t drink and drive.
Don’t drink and drive.
8th July 10PM: SAFARI SEDUCTION @ Beachaven
Get in losers, we’re going on a SAFARI TRIP
Roam in the wilderness of Beachaven on the 8th of July and experience the breathtaking trip of SAFARI SEDUCTION
Our tour guides Keane and I.YOU will lead you through a night of our favourite classic hits, Eurovision bops and trashy pop.
Give us animal print, explorer attire, cargo shorts and binoculars – but make it fashion! We’ll be on the lookout and will reward whoever lets the children have it with a free ticket to the following event
First batch tickets sold-out! Second batch available now through at face value of €8.50!
9th July 9AM: Activist Identity: Emotional Intelligence @ Ronald McDonald House Charities Malta
Episode 2 will be on Emotional Intelligence. This training will focus on the ability to understand, use, and manage your own emotions in positive ways to relieve stress, communicate effectively, empathize with others, overcome challenges and defuse conflict. This training space will also explore how to apply emotional intelligence when debating various topics
13th July 7PM: Maori Midweek Meetups @ Maori
Maori Midweek Meetups are a great way to break your week and wind down after a day’s work whilst meeting with LGBTIQ locals, expats and visitors in a speak easy environment over breathtaking views.
Doors open at 7pm
Peak expected at 8.30pm
Doors open at 7pm
Peak expected at 8.30pm
16th July 10PM: LOLLIPOP: GAYWATCH @ UNO Malta
Queens in the front, and Life Guards in the back – We takin’ no flicks, and the whole clique snapped !
Get ready to drown in debauchery at Roots, UNO, and let our life guards save you with their music selections – St John and Mari Mars.
Saturday 16 July . ROOTS . 22:00 – 04:00
See you on the dancefloor bby!
Ticket link:
16th July 7PM: 2nd anniversary @ Michelangelo Cafe Lounge
We would like to invite all our friends and clients to celebrate our 2nd Anniversary, to thank you for all your support.
Saturday 16th July ,7pm onwards.
As a thank you, we are going to have One-Hour free open bar and free appetisers through the night. Save the date.
Saturday 16th July ,7pm onwards.
As a thank you, we are going to have One-Hour free open bar and free appetisers through the night. Save the date.
22nd July 10PM: Revolution Extreme @ Liquid Club
This is the fourth time this season we will play for you in Malta!
Who will play?
Paul Hamilton, our friend and resident of our event. So far, Paul has played in Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Qatar, among others. You know him from our events so far, he always stays behind decks with us until the very end!
Paul Hamilton, our friend and resident of our event. So far, Paul has played in Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Qatar, among others. You know him from our events so far, he always stays behind decks with us until the very end!
BeatBears from Italy, will present a great techno house. It is the first time with us, but it will not be the last.
As always, our hot dancers will warm up the parties. This time, once again, the special guest will be Adult Performer and Actor Prince Babylon from Barcelona! You can see him in the Lucas Men film productions.
He will be accompanied by a dancer and perfomer Andrew Moncici from Milano.
He will be accompanied by a dancer and perfomer Andrew Moncici from Milano.
You cannot miss this night!
Tickets available:
The first batch of tickets at a promotional price.
Any tickets purchased online will receive a bottle of poppers at the entrance!
The first batch of tickets at a promotional price.
Any tickets purchased online will receive a bottle of poppers at the entrance!
23rd July 8PM: LGBT+ Meet-up @ Smudge’s
GBT+ events are back for 2022!
A safe place for us all to be ourselves, make new friends, maybe even new relationships (who knows).
Great drink prices, great vibes and just a great night as always.
More than welcome to bring your own food/order food to the bar.
Look forward to seeing you all again!
24th July 12PM: BUBBLE FREE Pool and Foam Party @ Aria Complex
Specail Dj -: CaThY-K
Joof recordings, Bonzai records, Slc-6 records.
Joof recordings, Bonzai records, Slc-6 records.
Specail Dj -: Paul Hamilton , Armada, Joof recordings, Freegrant music.
Dj Vulturem
Dj Marbee
Performer – MADAME J’ADORE
You can book your Tickets on 99533949 or on our Facebook Page Rainbow Pride Malta.
31st July 7PM: Maori Sundown Sundays @ Maori
Maori Sundown Sundays brings together LGBTIQ locals, expats and visitors in a speak easy environment over breathtaking views.
Doors open at 7pm | Peak expected at 8.30pm.
2 – 11 September: Malta Pride 2022 #LiveYourTruth
7th September 7PM: Maori Midweek Meetups @ Maori
Join us on Wednesday 7th September 2022, for ARC Malta midweek meet-up at Maori , Valletta with a difference! As part of the #MaltaPride 2022 week, ARC will be setting up an outdoor cinema experience featuring the movie “Edmundo” by @Join us on Wednesday 7th September 2022, for ARC’s midweek meet-up at Maori, Valletta. As part of the #MaltaPride 2022 week, ARC will be setting up an outdoor cinema experience featuring the movie “Edmundo” by William Vitoria @filmbywilliam (
*Entrance is free of charge*